Did You Know?

Pure Essentials C Buffered Powder is ascorbic acid in a highly pure form. No preservatives, fillers, additives, sugar, or artificial flavor.

Vitamin C in its purest form is highly oxidative and susceptible to retaining moisture. It requires careful handling. If moisture is introduced, your C powder will clump, discolor, and harden. While the date on the bottom of the tub shows you how long the product is viable, vitamin C is best used with in two months of opening.

For best results, follow these tips below:

How To Keep Your C Powder Fresh

60-Day Rule

Your vitamin C is intended as a daily supplement & is best used within 60 days of opening.

Dry Storage!

Any moisture or humidity can clump your C powder. Always store it in a cool, dry location. The freezer is ideal.

No Wet Spoons

If you stir your C into a beverage, keep that spoon or stirring straw well clear of your powder tub.

A Tight Seal

Be sure that the lid to your C powder is snug after use. The kitchen is a high humidity area...keep the lid on tight.

No Wet Hands

If your hands or fingers are wet from making your C powder beverage, keep them away from your tub.

No C Before It's Time

Remember not to break the seal on your C powder tub until you're ready to begin using the product.