Vitamin C Cleanse & Calibration: How Much Do I Need Daily?
Everyone is different. Follow these easy steps to find out.
Vitamin C is a vital part of growth, protection, repair, healing, and support for nearly every part and every function of our bodies. How much vitamin C you need daily can be determined through a process called ascorbate calibration.
Your calibration starts with Pure Essentials C Buffered Powder . It's taste free, with no sugar or unneccesary fillers, and it's carefully formulated to go easy on your stomach.
Let's get started...
✓ C Cleanse In 3 Easy Steps
- Plan to count and record each dosage.
- Dissolve 1 tsp of C Buffered Powder in 6 to 8 oz. of water every 20 minutes.
- Repeat until you “flush” (not just when you have loose stool).
✓ Calculate Your Daily Need
How many scoops of C Buffered Powder to reach a flush?
Multiply that count by 75%. That number is your body’s daily need. Example: 10 tsp to flush x 0.75 = 7 teaspoons daily. That is how much C your body wants throughout each day for effective support & healing.
✓ Tips For An Effective Ascorbate Calibration
- Drink mixtures slowly. Finish each in about 5 minutes.
- C cleanse is best done on an empty stomach.
- Use a warm compress or heating pad on belly if you feel discomfort.
- Drink PLENTY of water in between glasses of C Buffered.
- TRUST the process! You have seen and heard how instrumental these products are in overall health and wellbeing. Let the products do their jobs so you can enjoy the benefits!
C Buffered Powder
Vitamin C In A Gentle, Easily Absorbed & Effective Powder Form
An advanced vitamin C formula. With buffering minerals to be gentle on your stomach while highly bioavailable to maximize effectiveness.
- No artificial flavor or color, and no added sugar. Blends with water, your preferred beverage, yogurt, or other soft foods.
- Serves as a powerful antioxidant.*
- Supports a healthy immune system.*
- Promotes collagen biosynthesis, aids in wound healing, and contributes to brain health and heart disease prevention.*