Genetic Testing: Your Nutrition Strategy

Genetic Testing: Your Nutrition Strategy

Nutrition advice isn’t just a big deal for athletes, your nutrition status (and potential) is especially important if you are serious about your health and wellness goals.

When you're looking for dietary guidance, what foods to eat, what supplements to take, DNA testing can help you figure out what is best for YOU.

Our DNA plays a huge role in what happens to the food we eat. It’s been shown that our gene expression contributes to the metabolic pathways that are imperative in the development of muscle and fat.

The delicate dance of fat, protein, and carbohydrate balance relies on these components.

What is our DNA Essentials Test going to evaluate?

This Genetic Test will tell you exactly how to eat for your body and what nutrients you may be missing out on. Not only will you learn what your body’s perfect diet is, you will also receive insight on how your body is utilizing the following:

  • B vitamins
  • Fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K)
  • Vitamin C
  • Minerals
  • Fatty Acids
  • Digestive enzymes
  • Gluten & Dairy Intolerance
  • Neurotransmitters

Why is it important to look at those specific nutrients?


If you want to improve your health, one of the most important things you can do is ensure that your body has enough folate. Folate (also known as folic acid) is vital for the production of red blood cells and plays an important role in brain function. It's found naturally in leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, beans, oranges, and strawberries.

However, if you're eating this way already or have been eating this way for some time it's also possible that you're not getting enough folate through your diet alone.

This is especially true if you are struggling with digestive issues like IBS or leaky gut syndrome - which can impair absorption of essential nutrients such as zinc and iron - or if your diet isn't particularly varied due to food restrictions such as veganism/vegetarianism/paleo etc...

Vitamins C and E

It's been suggested that if you have a vitamin C deficiency, your body can't absorb the nutrients you're consuming. As a result, it may not have the energy to function properly and cause fatigue or anemia.

The same goes for vitamin E — when your body isn't getting enough of these antioxidants, it will be more susceptible to damage from free radicals and other toxins in the environment.

To make sure you're getting enough of these two important vitamins in your daily diet:

  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables (which are also full of fiber). Fruits like strawberries, citrus fruits like oranges or tangerines, kiwi fruit and cantaloupe melon are all great sources of vitamin C on their own.

  • Leafy greens such as spinach also contain this nutrient along with other vitamins A (beta-carotene) and K — all three are especially beneficial for eye health since they help prevent macular degeneration from occurring later in life due to poor diet choices during formative years when most people aren't thinking about nutrition yet!

Minerals: Iron, Zinc, and Manganese

Zinc and iron are important for male and female fertility. Zinc is also an essential mineral that plays a role in immune function, wound healing, and the nervous system, as well as brain development.

Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies worldwide. It can lead to anemia (low red blood count). Iron-deficiency anemia can cause lack of energy or weakness; headaches; dizziness; shortness of breath or rapid heartbeat; pale skin; irritability or depression; brittle nails or hair loss.

If you are concerned about your iron levels or any other nutrient levels, please see a healthcare professional before taking this test.


What do these nutrients mean for my overall health & wellness?

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

The major dietary risks for the development of cardiovascular disease are high intake of saturated fat, trans-fatty acids, cholesterol, and salt. The most important foods to eat to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease include wholegrains (brown bread, oats), pulses and lentils, nuts and seeds, fish, and lean meat or poultry.

Aim to do at least 2 hours moderate intensity exercise per week or 1-hour vigorous intensity exercise per week. If you have any medical conditions such as diabetes or high blood pressure, please speak with your doctor before starting an exercise program.

Stress is another factor that can increase your risk of developing cardiovascular disease so try taking regular breaks during the day where possible (such as a walk outside). We can’t always reduce the stress in our lives, but we can control how we respond.

Control your weight

The DNA test can help you determine how to manage your weight. This is because it reveals which foods will help you lose, gain, or maintain a healthy weight.

Genetics play a role in determining your weight. They can influence how much fat you accumulate and where on your body this fat is stored — for example, around the belly area (visceral adipose tissue). The genetic factors that contribute to obesity are still being studied extensively by researchers across the globe.

However, being overweight doesn't necessarily mean that one has poor genes or has no control over their diet and exercise habits — there are lots of other factors at play here such as lifestyle choices like eating habits and physical activity levels.

What's more important than just knowing what foods work best with your genetics is how well they fit into your life overall:

  • Do they fit into what you already eat?
  • Are they easy to prepare?
  • Do they taste good enough for regular consumption?

If so, then these foods may be worth trying out!

Your unique genetic test results can be used to help you figure out what kind of nutrition plan is best for you.

This testing has the potential to revolutionize the way we approach nutrition. The Cleveland Clinic has been providing personalized nutrigenomic testing for several years.

They find it particularly useful in “patients that have found themselves stuck in their weight-loss efforts”.

By examining your genetic makeup, it is possible to identify the best type of diet for your body and lifestyle.

The information provided by DNA tests can be used as a foundation for weight management or muscle development programs that are tailored specifically for you as an individual.

Personalized diet plans are not new – people have been losing weight by eating and exercising according to their blood type for over 20 years. While this method gained traction and interest, there really wasn’t enough scientific backing to support it.

With the help of the Human Genome Project, we’ve learned the connection between bioactive compounds in food and their impact on our genes and ultimately our health.

Everyone can benefit from a balanced diet, regular exercise (body movement), restful sleep and proper hydration – genetic testing helps you take the guesswork out of meal planning and supplements so you can reclaim your health!

Click the red button below to learn more about how our Nutritional Genetics Test can help you reclaim your health!


DNA Essentials Plus

An at-home test evaluates your dietary needs, metabolism, and overall health tendencies or risks based on your DNA.